The Loumeau Family

The Loumeau Family

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

So Cute

I love watching my daughter learn and grow. Here are a few highlights at 21 months (don't remind me that she's almost 2--it's gone by too fast):
  • She loves animals. Pep=Pet an animal
  • She's learning colors. She'll hold up a crayon and tell me the color, waiting for me to confirm that it's correct. My favorites: pinky=pink, geen=green, boo=blue
  • She loves shoes and insists on choosing her shoes for the day. She'll try them on and switch them if I tell her they're on the wrong feet.
  • Anytime we finish a fun activity, she'll say "again!"
  • Nore=More
  • Nummy=Yummy
  • Amora is now getting into dinosaurs, thanks to Jacob (the boy I babysit). She insists that I give her a dinosaur sandwich every day and we read dinosaur books from the library.
  • Last week as I'm changing Amora's diaper, she says, "Poop, looloo (doodoo)." I explained that poop and doodoo are the same thing but Mommy calls it doodoo. She responded by saying "I call it looloo."
  • She loves to tease her daddy and call him Mommy.
  • We got her a pillow that she absolutely loves. Since getting the pillow, she doesn't thrash as much in her sleep and hasn't fallen off the bed.

My shoe girl. This is how I found her after her nap.

At the fish hatchery. She kept exclaiming, "Mommy, fish!"

Looking for trouble.

Purse, check. Phone, check.

Dress up is fun!

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad to hear that she isn't falling off the bed anymore. lol. And I love that she calls Adam mommy!! haha
