The Loumeau Family

The Loumeau Family

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Decisions, Decisions

Being a grown-up requires a lot of decision-making. In our five years of marriage, Adam and I have been quite transitory, moving from place to place and gleaning knowledge and experience from each of those places. We have been blessed in every aspect of our lives and are so grateful. Soon, we will move on to the next chapter of our lives in Boise.

When Adam left his master’s program over a year ago, we were unsure of what career would be a good fit for him. My husband if very smart and very talented, so we knew something would be right. We just didn’t know what. I then lost my job teaching in Alabama. With no ties in Alabama, we headed back west to be closer to family. We agonized over what to do with our future and decided Adam would go into electrical engineering. As an engineer, Adam would adequately provide for our family and utilize his math brain. We never felt great about this choice but pursued it anyway so we would have a goal to strive for.

A couple of weeks ago we were distraught. We were at a very important fork in the road discussing careers and where to put down roots. We discussed a lot of career options and paths to take without any of them feeling great. Then I said, “What about a statistician?” I am confident Heavenly Father put this word in my mouth, as I have never said nor thought this before. We paused and were suddenly overcome with peace and assurance. None of our uncertainties seemed to matter anymore. We found the right path. If you know my husband, this is an absolute perfect fit for him that utilizes all of his unique gifts.

So what does this mean? One year of prerequisites in Boise then a master’s degree in applied statistics that could take us anywhere in the country. It should be about 2 ½ years of school instead of a rigorous three (for engineering). We are so excited! God answers prayers and guides us where we need to be. Sometimes He lets us agonize over things and feel chaotic and scared so that we recognize the contrast of peace when it comes.

So there you have it. Another new adventure for the Loumeau family. Oh yeah, and Amora is still the star of the show.

1 comment:

  1. It is so nice and reassuring when you finally do get the answer! I am so happy for you guys! Good luck!

    PS-I loved my (AP) Stats class in HS. I can't remember a thing now, but I thought it was the best math ever :)
