The Loumeau Family

The Loumeau Family

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Sad News

I thought that I had it made by choosing a career that is needed no matter how the economy looks: teaching. There are always going to be kids who need to know about the things I teach (especially sex, drugs, and obesity). Apparently I thought wrong. The school I teach (or taught) at decided to cut the health department by half. Sadly, I was the half that got cut. I believe this is because the other half was tenured and I was not. They have assured me that it has nothing to do with my teaching. Either way, as of last Friday, I am unemployed. Because of this unfortunate turn of events we won't be buying a house anytime soon. Our dreams of home ownership are on the back burner. There is exactly one health teaching opening in the area that I am applying for. If I get the job, we will stay in Auburn indefinitely. If I don't get the job, we will move back west and live with my very generous in-laws in Coeur d' Alene. Both options have their pros and cons, but we're optimistic that we will end up in the right place for us. God hasn't let us down yet, and we're sure He won't do so now.

I had my birthday last week and Adam and Amora took me to a steakhouse. It was nice going out as a family. It wasn't my favorite restaurant, but we still had fun.

On another note, I have a really cute child. She's now five months. I swear she gets cuter and more perfect everyday. Everything is worth it because of her and my awesome husband.

I normally don't take pictures of her sleeping because I enjoy being productive during that time, but she was so cute I had to test my luck.

Amora tried rice cereal for the first time last week. She's a woman who likes to be in charge. She takes her spoon and tries to feed herself.

She also is getting really good at sitting up by herself. This is one of my favorites. It's like she's saying "Ta Da!"

And I love her focused face. There could be a huge storm in the background and she wouldn't even notice. I think she may have her daddy's selective hearing.

1 comment:

  1. So sorry to hear the school doesn't know what they will be missing :( Hope things work out for you and Adam (however they are supposed to). And yes, I love the ta da picture and the sleeping picture... Sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do :)
