This past week was really sad for Adam and me. We had to take Amora to the doctor to get her 2 month shots. We tried to plan ahead and give her Tylenol beforehand, but the second those shots went in, there was a lot of screaming. We joked that after that, Amora put in an ad for new parents. She was mad at us and we had to pay for the next couple of days. Luckily, the pain has subsided and she's back to her same old princess self. At least she's cute. Our chunky little girl is already 13 pounds, in the 95th percentile. She has officially grown out of 0-3 month clothes and is now in 3-6 months.
This weekend was an exciting one for all of us. Amora got to meet her Grandpa Loumeau.
Needless to say, she's got another person wrapped around her chubby little fingers.